General FAQ
How can I contact you?
I don’t engage in private correspondence. If you’re interested in film or translation rights, you can contact my agent, Michelle Wolfson, at michelle@wolfsonliterary.com. All event, podcast, interview, and similar inquiries should go through my publicist, Cassie Malmo of Malmo Public Relations: cassie@malmopublicrelations.com
Can you teach me how to write a book?
No. But I can give you a basic guide to starting a retelling! Check out my class here and sign up with a 60 day free trial.
And here is a teacher's guide to The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein! I'm so delighted. The English major in me is geeking out.
How long did it take you to find an agent? How long did it take you to sell? Was Paranormalcy your first novel?
I queried on and off for about a year with a disastrously boring middle grade project that will never, thankfully, see the light of day. After I wrote Flash (which should answer that question about whether Paranormalcy is my first novel--it is, in fact, my fourth), I queried for about three months before Michelle Wolfson and I found each other.
Since then I have written many books, most of which have sold to publishers and some of which have not, because such is the nature of writing.
What is your next book?
Check out the News section for updates on new projects, otherwise everything is listed on the books section.
Can you come to my school/library/bookstore/town?
I wish I could visit all my readers. Alas, geography is a cruel mistress. It’s always a good idea to look at the calendar in my News section, though—it’ll list my scheduled events.
Can you send me (signed books / advanced copies / etc)?
If you follow me on social media, I occasionally run contests and giveaways. The best way to get signed books is to order through my local independent bookstore, Mysterious Galaxy: https://www.mystgalaxy.com/search/site/kiersten%20white
Is there going to be another Slayer book?
No. It was always a two book series, and Chosen is the end. I’m glad it feels like there are more stories, though. It’s the Buffyverse. There are always more stories waiting for us there!
Is there going to be a sequel to Hide, Lucy Undying, and/or Mister Magic?
Not never, but not now.
When is the movie going to get made?
HIDE is currently in development with Universal Television and Peacock!
Please note: I will never have a say in any casting. I cannot get you a role.
Do you read novels for review or potential blurbs?
I am currently closed to reading for blurbs.
Could you take me in a fight?
That all depends on whether or not I have the element of surprise and if I'm allowed nunchucks. Never underestimate small people. Especially small people with nunchucks.
Can you send me an early copy/ARC of [whatever book is next]?
Your best bet is to contact the publisher; I don’t get many early copies.
Will you partner with our exciting product for ads on social media?
No. Unless your product needs a gorgeous sulcata tortoise model, in which case, I’m Kimberly’s manager and we can be in touch. You should know she’s a diva, though, and you probably can’t afford her rates.
School Report FAQ
When were you born?
I don’t think you should ask people for their birth dates unless it’s to throw them an incredible surprise party. But I hate surprise parties, so, that’s that.
Where did you grow up?
In Utah, at the foot of a beautiful mountain.
Where do you live now?
In San Diego, where we don't believe in weather.
Do you have any pets?
We have a sulcata tortoise named Kimberly. It’s like having a dinosaur wandering around my backyard, and I love her. We also have an immortal hermit crab named Vivid.
Do you have kids?
I have three. They’re smart and funny and interesting little people, and I’m glad I get to be part of their lives.
Do you base your characters on people you know?
I might steal characteristics or descriptions, but for the most part my characters come alive in my head all on their own. Though I will sometimes name a character after someone I know as a joke.
Did you always want to be a writer?
For as long as I can remember! I also thought I'd illustrate books, but I never put in the time to learn to draw well. Maybe someday.
Why did you decide to be a writer?
Reading has always been my favorite activity. And when I couldn't read, or when the stories I loved were over, I'd make up new stories in my head. It was a very natural transition from being an avid reader and lover of stories to being a writer, where I could create my own stories to share with others.
What is your favorite book?
I could never pick just one! The first book I loved was Anne of Green Gables, the first series I ever loved was Brian Jacques' Redwall books, and when I was all grown up, I rediscovered my love of reading through middle grade and young adult novels. There were thousands of books in between, and thousands since, and thousands more to come! Right now my favorite genre to read is horror.
What does Kimberly eat?
Anything she can catch! But, since she’s a tortoise, that’s basically just grass with occasional fruit treats from us.
Why did you decide to write for young people?
What I like about writing for and about teens and children is that everything ahead of you is potential. Everything is new, and you’re just becoming the person you will be. That’s exciting! And terrifying! And excellent fodder for storytelling.
Did anyone support you becoming an author?
My parents always believed in me and supported my dreams of writing. And my spouse did, too, buying me my first nice notebook and encouraging me to finally write down that story I was always talking about.
Are your characters like you?
Every character I write has to be a little bit like me, because they come out of my brain. But usually the biggest thing I have in common with my characters is my sense of humor. I don't know any other ways to be funny, so, unfortunately, neither do they.
How do you write a book?
Practice! Anyone can be a writer. Seriously. All you have to do is keep learning, editing, revising, and writing. And no writing is ever a waste, as long as you had fun and learned something.
Book Series FAQ
And I Darken: Is the trilogy over?
Yes. Trilogies are, at their heart, a series of three books. Having written three books, I can safely say the trilogy is accomplished. I hope you love going on this epic journey with the Dracul siblings in And I Darken, Now I Rise, and Bright We Burn!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer tie-in novels Slayer and Chosen:
Slayer and the sequel Chosen are both available, and the series is complete. There are no more books coming, but it was such an honor to slay there with you!
Is HIDE a standalone?
Everything is a standalone until it isn’t.
But what happens after—
Shhh. Don’t worry about it. Here, have some complimentary theme park tickets. Have you ever heard of the Amazement Park? It’s hungry for new visitors!
Bram Stoker Award-winning The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein:
A direct retelling, taking place during the same time period as the book, but told from the perspective of Elizabeth Lavenza, the young girl taken in by the Frankenstein family to be a companion for their mysterious and volatile son, Victor. No sequels are planned.
Star Wars: Padawan
Before you ask: I don’t know any Star Wars spoilers at all. No one is as disappointed as my many brothers-in-law. No sequels are planned.
Mister Magic:
I gave you an epilogue for once, surely you don’t think there will be a sequel. Did you catch the HIDE character cameos though?
The Camelot Rising Trilogy:
Now! The whole trilogy is available.
I wanted magic and romance and wonder and also to reclaim Guinevere because she's rad and should be the main character in her own story.
Order here
Sinister Summer Series:
The series is complete at five books! I hope you have a wretched, vampiric, creepy, menacing, haunted time solving mysteries and searching for long-lost parents (and churros) alongside the Sinister-Winterbottom twins! Check out www.sinistersummer.com for more fun!